When Biden promised 4.5 months ago to pick a woman as his running mate, it felt like a consolation prize for people who'd hoped for a woman president.

But the process of making good on his promise has gone from exciting to insulting.

Per CNN this morning, 11 women are still formally being considered to be Biden's VP. 11!

The campaign originally promised a decision by tomorrow. An already absurdly long vetting process is now being further delayed. And the women can't say anything.

In these nearly 5 months, the women being considered as Biden's VP have had to compete in a sort of Miss Congeniality contest, doing fundraisers and proving they can be a "team player." For the women who originally ran for president, it's like their campaigns never ended.

As we come down to the wire for Biden to make his VP pick, we're hearing reports that older, white, male politicians have a lot of THOUGHTS about these "ambitious" women and their potential threat-level.

The women in this process are completely disempowered.

I want to know what Harris, Bass, Warren, Demmings, Rice, etc. are thinking right now.

But they can't say a word for fear of jeopardizing their chances. The women being considered for second in power have been rendered powerless.

The process of vetting VP candidates should be conducted in a manner commensurate with the stature of the role—and it hasn't been.

No matter who Biden picks, she'll be incredible. But it's a shame she'll have suffered through a classically misogynist process to get it.

Being indecisive about *which* woman to pick as VP only undermines the eventual candidate.

It's time to make a choice. It's time to end this circus. It's time for Dems to win the damn election.

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