Structural racism can be combated only if there is political will, not more data. Ending racism has to begin and end with political will. Data, while helpful in guiding policy focus, are not a shortcut to creating this will. @InterwebzNani 1/
Data are not merely recorded or collected, they are produced. Data extraction infrastructures comprise multiple points of subjectivity: design, collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination. All of these open the door to exploitation. 2/
In South Korea, digital COVID tracking has exacerbated hostility towards LGBTQ people.

When UK researchers set out to collect better data on Roma migrants to assess social needs, missteps in data presentation gave rise to political outcry over an "influx" of migrants. 3/
In 1947, a USA federal committee prepared a report on police violence against members of minority groups. In the 73 years since, the USA has not suffered from a lack of data on police murdering Black people- it has suffered a lack of political will to do something about it. 4/
Building a more inclusive data science field does not start with collecting more data, it starts with redistributing power and redefining how data systems are regulated to serve the needs of marginalised groups. 5/
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