Shout out to everyone who said it was a nation state lol
Feds also got a search warrant for a fourth juvenile (in California, so not Florida teen) referenced in the indictments; search warrant there executed July 21.
So TLDR: looks like the main Florida teen social-engineers Twitter employees over the phone to access their internal admin tools; tries to monetize it by "selling accounts" via OGusers and discord; the others bought accounts or acted as resellers.
They compromised 130 accounts, set up a whole fake website, and broadcast out their scam to literally millions of Twitter viewers. And for all that, just 415 or so people fell for it, losing an average of ~$250 each, netting themselves ~$117k of illicit funds
Minus the $30k or so it cost them to buy those accounts from Florida teen.
And crime investigated by:
* FBI SF Division
* IRS-Criminal Cyber Unit
* US Secret Service (SF & HQ)
* Santa Clara County Sheriff REACT TF
* Chainalysis
* Excygent
* Florida Dept of Law Enforcement

So, lol, talk about attracting serious heat for their $70k worth of hot BTC.
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