So I read that trump ordered the US Postal System to shut down postal package sorting machines - let me tell you why this is extraordinarily bad for EVERYONE. #ProtectUSPS
Package sorting machines are housed in postal distribution centers and PNDC. They take up a building the size of a city block and can mechanically sort 10,000 pieces of mail an hour. And these machines are usually run 24 hours a day manned by multiple shifts of postal workers.
There are 74 of these big machines across the country and then there are small sorting machines too but let’s focus on the big ones for scale. About 200,000 packages sorted per 20 hours with 4 hour maintenance schedules - holiday season they try to run these machines 24 hours
So trump isn’t just slowing down the delivery of ballots which is super important- but he’s also found YET ANOTHER METHOD TO SLOW DOWN OUR ECONOMY. Think of everything you get from the mail- bills, private communications, your payments to pay said bills, package deliveries...
Even food and medicine and medical supplies. One of the reasons that the US works is because we have an excellent postal system that is protected - anyone who’s lived in a country without a safe functioning postal system knows what I’m referring to
Right now- how important has the US Postal System become to Americans who rely on using that to help with self quarantine and social distancing? Remember not all of America has good or affordable internet.
And because the United States Postal System is federal- there are laws that have teeth to protect our privacy with regards to the mail. We’ve already seen how those protections vanish when our military and police are replaced with private contractors- so just let that sink in
Every hour those machines aren’t on doing tbeir jobs- the postal system loses tens of thousands of dollars— per hour not per day. They will have people fly out to work on that machine round the clock til it’s operating again. BECAUSE MAIL IS CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE
Shutting machines like that down for a long time will also increase the likelihood of big malfunctions when they turn it back on. Ask anyone who works on big machines- those machines can be moody. So yea Trump found another pooch to screw while he slowly circles the drain
This could very well financially break the postal system if allowed to continue. The maintenance costs alone will be astronomical and likely the USPS will not have the manpower to make up for the dearth of mechanical sorting by these giant machines
Some very large cities have distribution centers that house multiple sorting machines - so think half a million or more pieces of mail sorted per day at multiple distribution centers - also typo- PDC (no N) sorry. That’s for Postal Distribution Centers.
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