TW // homophobia transphobia

Hey @twittersupport why the fuck isn't @/DinceliAcelya banned yet? The account is a literal bot posting extremely homophobic content and the content gets shared across bots, making homophobic hashtags trending like #TvdeSiddetveLgbtÄ°stemiyoruz
(btw they mean MTF individuals while saying "trans looking men") @TwitterSupport
There is a massive problem in Turkish Twitter, of a group of people creating massive bot accounts in support of Adnan Oktar, a cult leader in Turkey. These bot armies have been here since the arrest of Oktar, and every month they get hashtags trending for support @TwitterSupport
This bot army does anti-LGBT propaganda and tries to show Oktar as a "bright individual" They seem to use accounts from 2018 to look more legitimate, though I cannot confirm this personally. @TwitterSupport
Every. Single. One. Of. These. Tweets. Has Desmond The Amazing on them because apparently, every single fucking person in the LGBT community agrees with whatever he and his parents do. @TwitterSupport
They also use NAMBLA as an argument point and how ILGA used to be with them, although they were fucking expelled in 1994. @TwitterSupport
(yes i am making these pics on ms paint quickly, CBA to open photoshop rn) @TwitterSupport
This account isn't alone. There are numerous accounts on Twitter that share the same exact videos. This account is the tip of the iceberg. If @TwitterSupport banned countless thousand accounts for "misinformation" and "government trolls" (like QAnon and Turkish govt trolls)
Then bots of Adnan Oktar SHOULD NOT GET A PASS. @TwitterSupport

I know that this is not a good thread- Something I made in 30 minutes maximum. But anything to make this known and stop the shitfuckery. I would appreciate if someone else made a more detailed thread about these bots, which I'll put here.
You can follow @koobyn.
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