What Actually Happened On Chaman Border (A Thread)

1. Afghanistan government requested that the border be opened for one day so the people can cross the border normally

2. The requested was considered and a decision was made by PAKISTAN that the request should be granted
In good faith

3. We opened the border for a day as requested and people were allowed the movement the Afghan government had requested

4. Keep in mind that the request was for just a day

5. The very next day when the border was sealed again just as planned it was
Again asked that the border be opened indefinitely so the people can move freely

6. At this time the REQUEST had turned into a DEMAND

7. The DEMAND was rejected by the GoP and our Armed forces due to many security concerns that borders cannot be left open indefinitely
7. Huge crowd was gathered and #PTM like miscreants were there to ignite the crowd and play havoc with the emotions

8. Things started to get out of control and AFGHANAN NATIONAL ARMY fired upon Pakistani forces. I say this on the record that ANA fired upon Pakistani forces
9. Pakistani forces returned fire and during this open confrontation miscreants took advantage.

10. No country specially Pakistan can ever take dictation from any neighbour.

11. Afghanistan maybe our neighbour but they have no right to DEMAND opening of the border

12. Firing upon Pakistani forces from Afghan side will always be dealt with an iron fist.

13. Pakistan cannot and will not be strong armed by anyone using humans as a shield.

14. We have hosted millions of Afghanistan for decades. Like our brothers.
15. Those Afghanis have made Pakistan their home and majority love Pakistan as their home.

16. But unfortunately it cannot be said for the minority that has an agenda to malign Pakistan and it’s forces along with ANA and it’s dirty designs.

17. Pakistan Army protects
It’s citizens and will continue to do so. We all love our armed forces and any propaganda will be rejected and confronted even by simple citizens like myself. I am not a spokesperson for our forces but I am a supporter of our forces like 99.9% of Pakistanis.
18. Truth will always reveal no matter how many Hashtag trends the Indian BOTS and AFGHANI BOTS plus the paid #PTM Douchebags create. Reality is not hidden by Hashtags. As a matter of fact Hashtags give a chance to reply and expose the ugly faces of such miscreants.
19. Pakistan will always retaliate against any internal or external terrorists. And these are terrorists. Nothing else.



The real Hashtag should be

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