I was giving a quick tour of the emergency department to the brand new family medicine interns who will be rotating with us. It turned into an impromptu talk on how to thrive as an intern on this rotation (a thread):

The goal of this rotation is to develop your sick vs. not sick skill. If you walk into a room and you're worried about a patient, do a 30-second assessment and then go talk to your attending. If your patient is actively crashing, yell (loudly) for help

If a nurse is asking you if you want to order something or why you haven't ordered something, it's usually a sign that you've missed something. Ask them for advice.

The best thing you can be is calm in the chaos. If you find yourself panicking, stop what you're doing, take a few deep breaths, and just think for about 5 seconds. Then keep on...

When presenting a pt to the ED attending, keep it short and sweet, focusing on only the relevant portions. We don't need you to show us that you know how to do a complete H&P. We need you to show us that you can synthesize the info you gathered into a differential and plan

Show up 10 minutes before the start of your shift, log-in, get settled. Be ready to start seeing patients the minute your shift starts

If you need help, just ask -- the PAs, the docs, the nurses, other residents. We're here to do what's best for the patients

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