It's not just that the GOP won't negotiate in good faith. Even their idea of a "relief" package is one that will drive this economy straight over a cliff. But they don't care, so long as millions of working Americans are plunged deeply into poverty.
Our economy is already in a state of collapse, due to the dramatic drop in consumer spending. The GOP proposal would make that drop significantly worse. And why? Because they want to believe people forced out of work are "lazy" instead of, you know, forcibly unemployed.
Republicans are lying when they say workers are unemployed by choice. Lying. And we all know it! They are unemployed because their places of unemployment are either closed or might as well be, for lack of customers.
As Adam Serwer said, the cruelty is the point. Republicans are calling people lazy for not doing jobs that don't need to be done. And for, it must be said, protecting the health of their families and communities. It's monsterous.
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