Good morning twitter family!! It's FRIIIIIIDAY!!!

Alright, I'm feeling great today, awesome couple days off and I'm ready to rock and roll!

To start off, On Wednesday we went to the @calgaryzoo, I want to give a huge shout out to the AWESOME job they did with helping combat the
pandemic. They had masks on all of their employees, they had markers on the ground to maintain distance, they had signage up, they had door controls to control the flow of traffic, and they had people at the doors with sanitizer spray. Well done, truly. The dedication is amazing.
As part of my Calgary zoo experience, I saw half a dozen loud and proud Oiler fans. Whether wearing shirts, hats, or car flags. I had a guy congratulate me on the big win vs the Flames, I had an employee stop and chat (at distance) for a bit. Incredible. Oilers fans
situated in rival cities, wear it proudly. I LOVE going to other cities and interacting with Oilers fans. I have no shame wearing my gear no matter how much heat I may draw, and it was incredibly refreshing.

Overall experience at the @calgaryzoo = Amazing

Yesterday, we made
our way from Calgary to Drumheller and to the Tyrell museum. First off, that badlands are incredible. For those that haven't had an opportunity to make their way in that direction, do it. Great sites, and of course the dinosaur theme 😊 So one of the main draws of Drumheller is
The Tyrell Dinosaur museum. I hadn't been there since I was too young to remember and it didn't disappoint. I need to hand out ANOTHER shout out to the museum and the folks that visited. Unlike my recent trip to Lowe's and the 10% maskers, at the museum all the staff had masks,
and 90% of the guests had masks!!!! BRAVO FOLKS! We want to survive this and move on to a new type of normal, this is the kind of buy in we need. Lets keep demonstrating to those that don't feel the need to wear masks, how important it is to do just that. #LeadByExample

Ok, now
moving on to my good by short discussion with my BIL during my time away. Ok so let me set the table first, the real key points, my BIL voted for Kenney, and my brother in law is NOT a stupid guy. I'm not saying that simply because he's my BIL, he's truly a smart guy. Now, we
had a sit down, albeit brief while I was down in Calgary on Wednesday. So I've been giving him a hard time about the decision to back them since they've been in. I've been exceptionally emotional about things since this government has taken hold, and areas like education and
anything to do with kids REALLY hits close to home for me.

So, our conversation started with, how he felt about the government that he voted in. He said there are two things that have really made him unhappy. 1. Driving out the doctors, and 2. The handout for the Keystone
pipeline. Now I need to elaborate on these points (I warned you this would be long). So a few years ago, he was employed in doing work for AHS as a contractor and had some projects he was responsible for and in his time in the employ of them said he realized that the people at
top of AHS are really wealthy. To the point of it being just gross. Now I personally don't have that knowledge but I wanted to hear him out and continue on with the discussion we did. He said that he believes that there required more efficiencies in place in AHS but by
attacking the doctors and nurses and the "foot soldiers" you're not doing ANYTHING to effect the wealthy at the top. I told him I agree, and that it's simple laziness on Kenneys part. I asked my BIL, did Kenney think that the fat cats with the money would dole $$$ out of their
own personal wages to supplement those doing all the hard work in the hospitals, clinics etc? And of course, as a sensible individual, he said no. So that was the first main rub. Now onto the second point, and this left me tickled pink and annoyed all at the same time, but truly
highlighted the difference between old school Conservatives and what we're dealing with now. So the person my BIL is with, works for TC Energy, something I learned is that it used to be called TransCanadian and it got re-labelled as some folks were moved to the States. So for
those who aren't familiar TC Energy is the company who's got the Keystone pipeline deal (correct me if I'm wrong). I asked my BIL if TC Energy was the one who was involved with the Keystone and then added in how it's never going to get done. He replied with "Thanks for bringing
that up", ya know, throwing some salt in the wound. So this brings us to his second rub. He HATES when government props up industry, or businesses. He said this Keystone bet is a MASSIVE waste of money, and doesn't benefit anyone. It won't help industry, it won't help Albertan
s it'll simply help the rich execs. So then I tried to enlighten him on everything else they've done but unfortunately ran out of time. We'll continue this discussion at a later date.

Ok, no onto the Federal level for a second. I heard the Cons attempt to have a run at PMJT
and the liberal party was a complete disgrace. Shocker, the Cons being complete failures, as per usual. I'll state again, they need to be dissolved and never to return. Ever. I don't want to talk about "Poutine" because the sheer thought of him makes my blood pressure climb, now
,I saw a video of Michael Cooper, MP of St. Albert on a video this morning speaking to someone from PMJT's team about a trip or event that happened a couple years ago and in typical fashion trying to besmirch the efforts and legitimacy behind the trip. To put it nicely, he
looked like an idiot. It was like a car crash that you know you don't want to be watching, but it was simply too ugly to look away. We NEED, it's not a wish list item, we NEED to elect better people into politics.

My gut turns when I see something offensive being said, or
done and when I go to find out where the sludge hails from, it's far too often Alberta. We have Cooper, we have Rempel, there was a guy from Banff I believe that shared some really intolerant, and obnoxious views last year in the leg, we have Kerry Diotte. It's embarrassing.
Albeit, IMO, I view myself as a quality Albertan. I do what I can to be a great CANADIAN and I don't lead out with being an Albertan when people ask me, I usually tell them that i'm from Edmonton. It really just drives home the fact that we need to have far better
representation. We need to put far more thought into who we're electing and get rid of the vile schmucks. These people sit in Ottawa and embarrass the heck out of us. People who aren't familiar with Edmonton and area say, "Where is St. Albert?" when the next thing out of their
mouths are "Oh, Alberta, not surprised" that's upsetting as a native Albertan. Please for the love of everything right. Raise the bar. Ok guys, I've reached the end of my allowable thread #CutShort #IllbebackLater


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