You all have heard me say it plenty of times ⏱

You ARE what you CONSUME 🍽

This goes for everything you hear, see, speak, learn and eat 👀

It is CRUCIAL to respect your mind, body and spirit as if it’s an entirely separate entity to you 🙏🏾

What’s inside you will project in your outer reality🌌

Make sure your physical diet consists of food that make you feel good and help you think and perform better 😌💪🏾 ⬇️
Here are 5 common foods that promote positivity and brain health:

-Eggs 🥚
-Salmon 🍣
-Dark Chocolate🍫 ⬇️
✨1. EGGS

Organic, cage free eggs are rich in neurotransmitter-boosting nutrients (Lecithin, Cholesterol) it also has mood boosting B-Vitamins (B12, Biotin) ⬇️

Berries (specifically blueberries) are packed with flavonoid, which can help regulate your mood, reduce inflammation and even improve your memory. ⬇️

Salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which is an important nutrient that our bodies cannot naturally produce on its own. Omega-3 fatty acids are part of the membranes that surrounds cells in our body and may ease depression, and fight inflammation. ⬇️

Spinach is another good that is full of omega-3 fatty acids and fight inflammation as well. Spinach and other dark, leafy greens are super rich with magnesium, which plays a major part in brain function and mood. ⬇️

You can indulge in this treat without regret. A study done at the Nestle Research Center, found that eating dark chocolate every day for 2 weeks reduced the levels of cortisol and stress in people. There’s also plenty of antioxidants in dark chocolate. ⬇️
Remember, a healthy diet is a form of self love and we can’t get too far in life without it. Treat your body as a sacred temple 🏯

Much love 💕

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