Of all the devils that corrupted the conscience of women to forsake their true nature, equality is the worst.

With it, women caught the flair of behaving as men, claiming to do all that men can & even outdoing them.

Promiscuity thus arrived, when women became bereft of shame.
When women are taught to compete with men, they are fed slogans like "anything is possible", "if men can, so can women", "you can beat & defeat men".

With such feeding comes haughtiness, and they lose their precious ornament - their femininity and tenderness and warmth.
A gender that is divinely and naturally ordained to be tender, soft, sweet, full of love & benevolence, gracious, caring, suddenly musters up to compete with men. Competition & rivalry requires masculine traits, which such women internalize to relinquish their true nature.
Biology works with or without our validation. It will enforce its influence on men & women working together to explore each other.

Lust is a fire difficult to extinguish, more so when the two participants are constantly close. The primary object of competing is now neglected.
Casual sex becomes a norm because women forsake shame and such indulgence is regarded happenstance. In doing so, they are stripped off of their true divine nature, and start to think & behave like men.

And this is also the reason men lose their control & become degenerate.
Men are naturally sexual and they look at opportune moments to enjoy women. Few are self-restrained to prevent being salacious.

Licentious men support equality because it helps their hidden agenda of sexual predatory. Thus, they lose their virtue and become fallen men.
Promiscuous women in their airy flight become more like men on losing shame, their precious ornament. Licentious men in their desperation become more like women on renouncing self-restraint, their foremost trait.

How then can a true man bestow his love to a manly woman?
Equality is interpreted in its extreme, and its propagators use science to further its penetration by playing with biology.

Equality is an abstract idea. It never existed, nor does now, and shall certainly never arrive henceforth. Fighting for it is like fighting with air.
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