I am 2 days late in posting this thread but I thought to post it anyway. 🙂

Just over 7 years ago to this day, exactly July 29th 2013, I met the man that I would marry.

Among many things, it was divine.

Let me tell you about it...
In 2009, the relationship I was in and thought would end in marriage, did not.

Naturally, I was disappointed but I just knew that everything would be okay.

You see, I was leaving Lagos for a fantastic employment opportunity in Abuja and being the ambitious girl that I am,
I could never (at that point in our relationship, when nothing was concrete - except a couple of years under the belt of the relationship) have turned down that opportunity, which truly kick-started my career.

So I ‘packed myself’ up from my father’s house in Lagos and ventured
into adulthood. 😁

I was several months into the job in Abuja when I received a handful of admission offers to undertake my Masters study in the UK. By the fall of 2011, I was settled in North East England studying and working.
Let me mention that after that relationship ended, up until settling in England, I had been praying for ‘a man after God’s heart’.

I was INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC in my request.

I had a FULL list. â˜ș

Numbers 1 through to 3 was a man who truly feared God.
I was well aware that the kind of marriage I wanted, I could only get with such a man so it was at the very heart of my request.

There were other things: a man who would push me in my spiritual life and in my career, a man who was driven, had a decent job, kind, thoughtful,
good-looking/tall... I didn’t spare any item from that list. Everything I needed and wanted was on it. BELIEVE ME! 😋

As much as I prayed for a ‘quality’ partner, I also prayed to be the ‘right’ partner for him. I emphasized that I didn’t want another long relationship & until I
was READY, in my character & earnings, God shouldn’t bring him because I didn’t want to mess it up.

Throughout my time in England, I didn’t date anyone. I focused on my studies and work, and every time I prayed, which was pretty often (as a ‘Jesus baby’ 😁), I reminded God of
this request.

In 2013, I had progressed unto the final stages of interviewing with a very prestigious International Bank, which required that I returned to my home country.

TBH, I didn’t think that I would return to live in Nigeria under any circumstances but I had
a CONVICTION in my spirit that I couldn’t shake. Every time I thought to myself that there would be other opportunities, especially since I was interviewing in other companies in London, I ended up with wanting to continue with this company that need me back in Nigeria.
So guys, I returned home. 😒

This opportunity fell through and honestly, doubts about my decision began to creep in.

After Sunday service on the 28th of July 2013, I was lying in bed when a friend of mine who lived in London called to follow up with the employment process.
The call ended with her telling me she was going to speak to a friend of hers who was currently employing for his thriving Private Equity (PE) firm to give me a chance. She did. By 6pm that evening, he called me and invited me to commence the employment process the following day,
The FATED 29th of July 2013.

The tests were not for the weak. I shudder to think of it now. 2 hours maths + quantitative & 2 hours reasoning + rationality.

After the test, a friend of mine that was working closeby, off Sanusi Fafunwa in Victoria Island asked me to stop over at
her office as she was working late and it would give me an opportunity to sort of wind down as well as allow traffic to lighten a little bit. I obliged.

I was at her desk in her office when her boss came and asked her for a number of things so she got up and went to attend to
them. The boss also very politely, asked me to come and sit with him in his office as it would take her a while.

That boss is my husband.

While in his office, we chatted about many things including the woes of securing a job. That’s untrue - scratch that - I lamented about
what I was going through. He listened attentively.

My friend returned and she (together with her boss) walked me to my car.

I still got caught in traffic (LOL) but I didn’t mind because the boss had got my number from my friend and called me several times during the trip.
My friend had a policy of never hooking up people she knew, but she broke it that day.

Her boss and her didn’t have that kind of relationship but that day, he decided that they did.
After worship service the following day, I got a call from the PE firm that I had absolutely CRUSHED the test and to come in on Wednesday to meet the partners and VPs.

On Thursday, I got an offer to start immediately with a compensation in USD.

Less than a month after meeting
‘Boss-man’ (August 24th), he asked me to marry him. I declined because I didn’t believe it was real/genuine.

He told me that he knew that I was the woman he would marry right away. No confusion whatsoever. He told me that he understood that I needed to give the relationship
time but that me declining didn’t phase him one bit.

He asked me again on the 18th of December 2013 & I accepted.

10 days later, we had our introduction ceremony.

The rest is history, guys!



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