1. 2 years ago today I gave my dad a kidney. If you have a loved who needs a kidney I encourage you to keep yourself open to the idea and do the research. If you need a kidney don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones and don’t refuse it if they offer. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/3/6/18243603/kidney-organ-donation-risks-facts
2. I never thought this was something I would do. As the father of two young kids, I started out skeptical and thought my responsibilities to them and to my wife would stop me from doing this
3. But I felt I should at least do the research and what the research showed was that the risks were incredibly low and the upside was huge.
4. There is a rigorous screening process to check the health of any donor before they are allowed to give. And as a result the chances of complications to the donor are minuscule.
5. The surgery is lacroscopic. It hurt a lot for the first day. But I was working from home after two weeks. back in the office after three. Fully working out again in 2 months
6. The emotional and physical costs of having a loved one on dialysis is very tough not just on them but on everyone around them. So that also should be part of the equation. Do the research on the consequences of not giving a kidney
7. Learning all of these things transformed my attitude from hesitant and worried to “this a no brainer.”
8. And if you need a kidney don’t refuse to ask your loved ones. Because you might be making things harder on them by refusing the kidney and then having them have to take care of you on dialysis and watch you struggle.
9. It was not easy for my parents to accept or even raise the idea. But they did the research and realized it made sense. And I’m very glad they did
10. Two years later I feel great except for the global pandemic, economic crisis & fear for our democracy. But on the health and kidney front I feel great.
11. My dad is also doing great medically. He & my mom are isolating pretty intensely because as a donor recipient he is on immunosuppressants which make him more vulnerable to COVID19.
12. But they did get to take an incredible 3 week trip to Croatia last fall and hopefully will have many more in their retirement even if the pandemic will likely mean a two year hiatus from that.
13. Finally, just to reiterate. You don’t have to do this because it will make you feel good & will be a rewarding experience. You don’t have to be a saint (I’m not). You just need to do the research and realize that this might make sense for you and your family.
14. But yes one of the lovely side benefits is that I do indeed get to feel great about it.
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