1/ I was an election judge in Utah for 10 years and our precincts mostly used voting machines. EVERY election there were reports of voter fraud: Machines changing votes, machines jamming up, machines saying votes had been submitted but when we did hourly reports,
2/ the # of actual votes submitted didn't match up with the # of people who signed in. Utah typically has a 10% turnout for primaries in June and about 40% for general elections.

In an effort to increase voting and to cut down on fraud/problems with the machines,
3/ over the past 10 years Utah has moved heavily from voting machines to mail-in voting. Our primaries in June was 100% mail-in voting due to Covid. Voting numbers have INCREASED by 25% and the number of fraud cases have DECREASED down to .0006% was the latest number I saw.
4/ For those of you who have fears about your mail-in ballot not being recorded correctly, I had the same fear until a polling manager explained at least 1 person from each party is present when the ballots are opened and at least 1 person from each party is present
5/ when the vote is recorded.

So when Trump and the GOP go on and on about mail-in voting fraud, that's because he/they know it spells trouble for them. When they scream about Democrats trying to suppress the vote, it's projection,
6/ because they know they're the ones who try to suppress voting. Mail-in voting is safe and secure.
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