Just a reminder: some people got mad a group of women had milkshakes honoring another woman in comics and posted a pic of it and they're still so mad about that they 1. pay some dudes to make repetitive videos about marginalized creators they don't like 2. harass them online.
Now they're cranky that there's an FB group for creators of marginalized gender who talk to each other about industry things. This includes everything from how to put together anthologies, to page rates, to abuse issues.
This group is 1. not secret 2. has coordinated zero "attacks" on anyone 3. been snarky sometimes because people need to vent in any industry especially when they're marginalized 4. posted a lot of cat pics.
The only thing anyone has "plotted" is where the best places to eat brunch at cons are, tips on selling stuff at your table, safety tips, and other normal things people discuss when your industry is an exploitive mess sometimes but you want it to be better.
Do people in the group know each other and, for instance, support each other on other platforms? Yep! That is a normal thing friends and colleagues do. If seeing people you know & care about being hurt & you saying "hey, knock that shit off" is a "conspiracy", ok.
Personally I call that friendship and/or professional support but if you're still mad about some milkshakes you might not know what those things look like so, oh well.
Honestly, mostly these dudes seem really scared about comics changing and like...that's how creative mediums work? They change and grow. Otherwise they stagnate and become obsolete. So.
These guys are so self-involved they think that people not wanting to work with them after they show their entire asses ALL BY THEMSELVES is a "conspiracy". The rest of us are just making our books, side-eyeing them, and moving on.
Like, it's not these dudes I care about. It's a pathetic use of their life time to harass creators for making diverse books & being that kind of person is its own sad consequence. I care about the people they target because it's a waste of their time.
And let's be clear: people who involve themselves in hate groups miss all the good stories, all the good books, all the awesome people making them. They do that to themselves on purpose out of weird, angry, fear about change.
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