The most powerful performance enhancer I've ever found.

Using this you can improve

-Hormone health
-Injury prevention
-Muscle mass

I've summarized hours of research into one thread and I hope it helps you.
You probably think I’m about to try sell you something.

Maybe a mysterious super food found in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Well good news, nothing to sell here.

You can actually get all the above benefits and more by optimizing your SLEEP.

Here's how,

Keep Sleep Times Consistent.

Try to sleep at the same time every night give or take 1 hour.

Wake Up Without an Alarm Clock

Our bodies do not wake up randomly, sleep early and wake up naturally without a stressful sound that will likely interrupt a sleep cycle.

7–9 Hours of Sleep

It's really unlikely you deviate from this though most people think they do.

Reduce Light Pollution

Black out blinds are ideal and sleeping masks are good option too.

Create a dark environment at least 1.5 hours before bed, try turning off as many lights in the house that you can.

Reduce Blue light Exposure

Avoid artificial blue light emitted from screens at least 1.5 hours before bed.

Blue light blocking glasses and flux are not perfect but better than nothing.

No Caffeine

Ideally eliminate caffeine entirely.

But this isn’t an option for most people, at least make sure you leave 10 hours between caffeine and bed.

Keep it Cool

Overheating will significantly reduce sleep quality.

Try to keep it cool.

Avoid Meals Before Bed

Avoid large meals 2 hours before bed

Avoid Workouts Before Bed.

No heavy exercise up to 3 hours before bed.

Reduce Noise Pollution

Silence or white noise are optimal.

Diet, Exercise and Meditation

These would each require their own thread.

Diet: Eat primarily real whole foods.

Exercise: Minimum of a 20 minute workout a day + 5000 steps walking

Meditation: 10 minutes a day

Learn More About Sleep

A few of my favorite reads

“Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker

“The Promise of Sleep” by Wiliam C. Dement

“Sleep Smarter” by Shawn Stevenson
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