I'll tweet the press conference Friday involving Douglas County Health Director Adi Pour and other officials.

Subject: "Discussion of face coverings for Omaha and Douglas County."

Not sure what the discussion will be. But Pour has been moving toward a mask mandate in Omaha.
Due to get started shortly.

Interesting lineup.

Dr. Pour, who has authority under Omaha city code to handle health regulations in an epidemic.
Dr. Gary Antone, Nebraska's Chief Medical Officer. Pour made clear he would not sign on to a local Directed Health Measure on masks.
Mayor Jean Stothert, who has expressed her displeasure with a mask mandate.
Plus 3 UNMC officials, who have been the city and state's public health guidance throughout.
Pour: Did go to Board of Health with rationale for implementing mask mandate. Board supported, and have received letters of support Omaha medical community, education and community groups.
Pour: Is legal disagreement Nebraska AG office and Omaha city attorneys. Thought about long and hard, do not think will pursue mask mandate.
Breaking: NO MASK MANDATE IN CITY OF OMAHA. Nebraska Attorney General's Office steps in to stop Pour from implementing mask requirement.
Pour: "Please everyone in this city, in this county, do the right thing."

Will continue look at data every day. "But for now, I have to trust everybody in this community to do the right thing moving ahead."
Dr. Gary Anthone, representing governor's office as well: Thanks Dr. Pour and health directors. Pour epitomizes what health expert is.
Anthone: Stressed "non-pharmaceutical" interventions at the beginning. Nebraskans did right thing and flattened the curve, preserved health care capacity. Today, these interventions are mainstay preventing virus.
Anthone: Will stress wearing a mask. Watch your distance. Wash your hands.

Will continue actively promote benefits wearing a mask. We know that Nebraskans will step up and do the right thing. "Together as Nebraskans we'll beat this virus."
Mayor Stothert: Said from beginning how important masks, social distancing are. Wearing a mask is very important, will control spread. We know that. It's a simple request we want to make to citizens of Omaha.
Stothert: Talked president city council. Asked to draft resolution to let council members send statement to community strongly support wearing mask in public places.

Non-binding resolution, not a mandate.
Stothert: Could do ordinance, but is a process and takes time, maybe to mid-September. Should have been wearing masks a week ago. I worry about an ordinance taking too long.
Stothert: Constitution gives government authority protect health and safety of citizens. What rights have been lost in pandemic will get back.

Pleading with citizens wear a mask in public places.
Stothert: Right now we really need to be responsible and do the right thing.
"This is not a political issue. This is a health and safety issue."
Dr. Kari Neemann, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Inter-professional Health Security Training and Education, UNMC:

Had opportunity work children and adults infected with virus. Children tolerate very well. But they do get sick and require hospitalization.
Neeman: Children's Hospital has noticed pediatric patients with acute Covid infection. One went on ventilator. They got it from community spread. "Our community failed these families."
Neeman: Cites case of hairstylists in Missouri having Covid symptoms. 139 clients, none got sick. Both stylists and clients wore masks.
Neeman: Masks work and we need to do masks. In 2-3 weeks, we hope to open schools. To do that safely, we need to get our community transmission down.

Some kids get sick. Also teachers, support staff at risk - we need to protect them.
Neeman: My son exposed to Covid in daycare and is in isolation.

"Our community failed him and it failed his classmates."
Neeman: Ask community to step up and do civic responsibility to put children, immuno-compromised and elderly ahead of ourselves.
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