How to Build a Successful Life

One of the fastest ways to change your life for the better is to strengthen your foundation by optimising 4 specific areas:

1️⃣ Eat and Drink right
2️⃣ Sleep
3️⃣ Move
4️⃣ Unclutter

Let's take a closer look at how you can do this!

1️⃣ Eat and Drink right

✅You are what you eat (and drink)
✅Let food be thy medicine
✅Quality in, quality out (and vice versa..)

This knowledge has been around for ages, and it doesn't change much even if we are bombarded with new diets or governmental recommendation.
So this one is quite simple. In a nutshell:

🥑Eat well with the aim to give your body the nutrients it needs.

🥩Let it feast on meat and fats and vegetables and fruits.

🍟Use as little processed food as possible.

🍬And preferably NO SUGAR.

🤐And remember to FAST in between.
2️⃣ Sleep

Make sure you get enough sleep.

You should NOT want or need a serious sleep each afternoon, either you are not sleeping enough or you are eating (or drinking) wrong. Those are the 2 big offenders.


📱Screen time before bed
Set yourself up for successful sleep:

🌃 Dark room (cover windows or use a sleep mask if needed!)
🍗 No massive meal right before going to bed, wait at least 2 hours
⏰ Set a bedtime and stick to it!
♻️ Have a bedtime routine and start it 1hrs before bed!
3️⃣ Move

This is the secret sauce to life!

You got to move to make things flow. There is simply now way around it. If you don't it will come and bite you in the back in the future.

💥It energises AND calms
💥It works muscles AND mind
💥It builds weight AND reduces it
Make it as easy as possible for you to get movement into your day:

🧗‍♂️Take the stairs or walk when you can
💃Find an exercise you enjoy, don't force yourself into something you don't
♻️Mix it up and work with cardio, weights, flexibility and mobility
🌱Start small and simple
4️⃣ Unclutter

And finally. Your physical space is important for how you feel and what you achieve!

A few words of wisdom to start:

⭐Outer Order - Inner Calm
⭐Start with simple little things.
⭐Always leave a space better off than when you entered.
⭐Always make your bed.
So how do we get started?

🗺️Make a plan of order
🧩Execute it in small segments.
🏠One room at a time.
🎁One drawer at a time.
☠️But set a deadline for when you will be done.
Now, over to you!

If you could pick one area to improve, which one would it be and how would you improve it?

Remember - You create your future, one little piece of action at a time!

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