I swear the “Politics don’t belong in sports” people are either the dumbest, or most ignorant people on this app.

Sports have always, ALWAYS been Political.
The fact is these athletes you cheer for are in fact, HUMAN BEINGS, that have their own opinions, and want to fight the fights they believe in. Demanding an athlete to stick to sports is robbing them of their humanity & free speech.
Personally I’m an Actions over Words type of guy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still listen to people in need, people that are hurting. We should help them anyway we can, instead of instantly writing them off.
Black Lives DO in fact Matter, and they’ve been silenced and tormented for far too long now. Help, donate, and LISTEN to what they say, that’s the least we could do.

You can follow @NathanGraviteh.
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