Sino-Indian War of 1962 or Self-Defence War against India according to China
Below: PLA recoiless rifle attacking Indian position
Chinese soldiers carrying ammunition to the frontline
A helicopter and an American Jeep mounted with an recoiless rifle left by the vanquished Indian Army
Major Singh of the 5th battalion, Assem Rifles surrendered
Brigadier John Parashuram Dalvi, Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade under PLA custody
Sandbox at the 7th brigade HQ in Tawang, November 12
November 19, PLA on the second offensive after India counterattacked. Indian defence quickly collapsed. On 21th China announced unilateral ceasefire and began the withdrawal.
On December 13, PLA assembled captured Indian weapons and returned them all to India, an act unprecedented in history
Indian POW. PLA's song & dance trope performing for them, PLA soldier playing basketball with them, and captured Indian officers even got a tour of Lhasa, Tibet.
Indian POWs being repatriated back to India
Victorious PLA in Lhasa, January 1963
The photographer (蓝志贵 Lan Zhi Gui) of most of the photos in this thread in front of an abandoned Indian Stuart tank.
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