The World's Oldest Icon Of Feminism
Gargi was one of the first woman scholar of the world. She is known as Brahmavadini, a person with knowledge of Brahma Vidya. She had even awakened her Kundalini (spiritual energy) and realized Atma (soul).
Yet, the above achievements are but trailers.
From a young age, her knowledge of the Vedas and Upanishads was rivaled by few at the time.
King Janaka of Videha kingdom held a Rajasuya Yagna where he invited all learned scholars of his time,
In order to carry out selection, he planned to offer 1000 cous with each cou's horns dangling with gold as prize. Amongst these scholars. Yajnavalkya was self-assured in his supremacy.
ordered his disciple to take the cou herd since there was no other scholar who could beat him
This resulted in other scholars getting angry at being denied a fair chance at the prize.
Most of the scholars were unsure of their knowledge, however, there were eight distinguished sages who did challenge him to a debate, of which Gargi was one of the challengers and perhaps the only woman among the group of learned scholars.
All lost as Yajnavalkya was able to provide satisfactory answers to all of their questions.
Gargi then questioned Yajnavalkya on his claim of superiority among the scholars. Her initial dialogue with Yajnavalkya bordered on being quite metaphysical but she eventually change
her course and asked him specific questions related to the environment existing in the world, the question of the very origin of all existence and more. Yajnavalkya put an end to the debate by telling Gargi not to proceed further.
Gargi was honoured as one of the Navratnas in the court of King Janaka. Her philosophical views are mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishads and she has made significant contributions to the Rig Veda
Unfortunately, in the face of modern-day skewed icons, most people have
forgotten this woman of sheer brilliance a woman who was unparalleled by men of her times.
Credit... @ChroniclesClio
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