"If you want to just “stick to cycling,” that’s fine. But then you have no choice but to acknowledge the facts of who is dependent on cycling, who is killed or injured the most cycling, and who would choose cycling if it was safe and connected." - @rkbtwo https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33326910/bikes-keith-benjamin/
"Black and brown women and girls are more sexually harassed than their white counterparts. Visibly LGBTQAI+ people are more often targets of hate and violence. And Black and brown men are more likely to be targeted by the police." - @NedraDeadwyler https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33327242/bikes-nedra-deadwyler/
"People often ask what makes me feel safe in cycling communities, & for me the answer is simply seeing other Black women & trans & non-binary people. I feel most safe and seen when I’m in spaces where I feel reflected, seen, & celebrated." - Grace Anderson https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33313815/bikes-grace-anderson/
"Imagine having a friend that you spend every day with. You ride and train together, maybe you even work together and everywhere you go, for some reason, everything you do is received slightly different." - Christopher Stricklen https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33314169/bikes-christopher-stricklen/
"With #BlackLivesMatter & the protests, my eyes have been opened. When you get perceived as white you have an advantage over someone who’s not. That’s being recognized now, people will not feel overlooked because of the color of their skin." - @NelsonVails https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33327141/bikes-nelson-vails/
"The cornerstone of the Black experience in America will always be rooted in a quest for identity, a quest that requires you to unearth that sense of freedom & build the resolve to fight for it until your last breath. The bike is my vessel." - Sean Hopkins https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33326433/bikes-sean-hopkins/
"I wish non-Black people understood what it’s like to never see people like you while out riding. It’s not simply about wanting to see Black people for the sake of seeing Black people. It’s about what the absence of seeing Black people means." - @r_olzer https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33325223/bikes-rachel-olzer/
"What I would like to see in future cases [of racism] is high sanctions, like a one-year suspension. I would put this in the same category as a doping violation. Punish the aggressor so that he doesn’t do it again." - @kevreza https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a33322712/kevin-reza-racism/
Thanks again to @TamikaButler for putting this @BicyclingMag issue together. I learned a lot reading the pieces & hope that the stories that have been generously shared will galvanize efforts to ensure cycling and the conversation that surrounds it to be more just and equitable.
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