What??? Hereditary dancers should mark their own privilege just as Brahmins do? What have they been smoking? Also the classic wielding of English against oppressed caste communities! "You speak English, you must not be oppressed! Only we can speak English." Think of the NEP. https://twitter.com/caselchris1/status/1288929279225614344
This is why "postcolonial" and "decolonial" Brahmins SHOULD be canceled. They even whine about cancel culture. I am putting myself through this bc I feel like I need to as a Savarna practitioner, as a lesson in what not to do.
How is "Isai Velallar" a translational term??? What. I am so confused. How is "hereditary" a translational term? They don't have it in Tamil? Like WUT is even going on here!
Their "pain and anguish"??? This is the exact kind of Savarna womanhood I aspire to NOT embody. Nyaka as we say in Bangla (All the giggling! That's umm, casted!), deflecting to avoid accountability, dishonest, unempathetic, I could just go on, this video makes me so mad.
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