@Sflecce suggest parents need to take this seriously & not send their sick kids to school in September.

It infuriated me as much as it infuriated me when he scolded my students a few months ago & told them to take it seriously.

This government isn't taking this seriously enough
#COVID19 disproportionately affect BIPOC & low income communities.

@fordnation cut paid sick leave & an increase to minimum wage.

For some parents, they can't take a paid day off to take care of a sick child. It's either a day off or paying your bills.
Do I think it's a good idea for sick students to come to school? As an educator that gets sick multiple times from my workplace, of course not.

Do all parents face these impossible decisions? No of course not.

But some parents do. And they're at higher risk of getting COVID19.
But what does our privileged private school educated minister of education think?

Apparently it's a matter of parents being educated & taking this seriously.

@fordnation passed a bill to speed up the eviction process.

I have a feeling some of them are taking it quite seriously
Look I get it. In politics not everyone will agree. In difficult times, hard decisions must be made.

But @Sflecce need to pick a lane and get serious instead of passing the buck.

You want parents to keep their sick kids home? Make sure there's paid sick leave for that.
Instead of an honour system, empower school boards to actually do something about people coming in sick.

My students were quite serious during emergency remote learning. They had full time jobs as essential workers. They struggled with mental health. Some had no tech access.
They didn't need some judgy white guy on a podium scolding them for not taking things seriously.

As an educator, when I want my students to take things seriously, I took it seriously. That meant addressing the barriers to their learning.
So if you want families to take it seriously, it starts with you @Sflecce and your boss @fordnation.

How serious are you about a #SafeSeptember?

Apparently you're 84 cents serious.

(Image courtesy of @parentaction4ed and OFPE.)

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