An interesting thing happened on the internet with week. U.S. travel management firm was hit with Ragnar Locker ransomware. The company agreed to pay and handed over $4.5 mln in bitcoin 
But the online chat room where the ransom negotiations took place was left online, giving a rare and *incredibly* interesting insight into how these things actually go down
The hackers initially demanded a $10 mln ransom. What ensued was lots of haggling and discussion of discounts
Personally I was surprised at how professional and collegial the whole conversation was. From beginning to end, this was treated a business transaction for both parties
After the ransom was paid, the attackers even provided some bonus security advice!
I really like suggested best staffing practices
"It's a pleasure to work with professionals."

One of the last messages is the hackers offering to wipe the contents of the chat. It was not deleted.
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