"(real name) why did you main dark" -my baby moot

glad you asked- i will make it brief (1/1349)
my answer is simple: seox. him. everything about him.

i started playing like back in march because i stumbled on an arknights meme on facebook comparing nehan to silverash

roughly 5 months later, this is where i am now
y'all already know i basically call him the reincarnate of my previous comfort character 😔 from a dead game

i went and took seox as my freeternal and even used a discount spark to get vicky to babysit him because a friend advised me for that since he's still mlb
fortunately enough i always survive raids and steal honors even with mlb seox, that's how strong he is

fast forward to the day i flb'ed him-

it was the best decision of my life. he's carried me since i was a baby up til now as i grow and grow ;-;
*holds seox gently* like the day i first recruited my previous comfort character after grinding endlessly, they both carried me the better i become (hiyama be carrying my sanity with him, he voices them both), and will continue to carry me
for a fictional character, you wouldn't believe how much effort i put into grinding everyday to the point everyone gets worried if i barely rest at all JHSDFJ

my baby moot is a witness to me achieving seox's flb and seraphic flb, and guess what

he's a dark main with seox now!!
yes i'm proud my simping actually set a path for my moot, i describe how good seox is even when mlb'ed and the pride i felt when he's witnessing his power firsthand is really strong

simpery gets you to places hehe
ok to summarize

i main dark because that's the element where seox is in. â˜ș any other elements, i will main them so long as he's there.

(i side main wind and light but yeah--)
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