Thread: 7/31/20 - We cannot overlook the possibility that none of this is going to stop after the election. The country has been politically and socially polarized to the ‘point of no return.’ There will not be a peaceful retainment nor transfer of power.
A polarization that could have only been accomplished through non-stop anti-Trump propaganda.

Propaganda is used to create an emotional state that prepares one psychically and psychologically for what is being projected.
Since 2016, Democrats have psychologically prepared their supporters for armed political action. To feel that the existence of a Trump administration is intolerable and cannot be allowed a second term.
Trip down memory lane - This is the sort of message the former Attorney General of the United States was sending just Forty-two days into the Trump Presidency.
But why? Why an Insurgency? Three reasons

First, In most parts of the world, including those vulnerable to insurgencies, elites use insurrection to reinforce their grip on power and maintain the status quo, especially impunity for themselves and their close friends or family.
Think of insurgency as an insurance policy for elites who do not want to lose power. To do so, they also politicize law enforcement and often support violent factions that protect their rule.

Evident by the Democrats' berading of FED officers, and inability to denounce Antifa.
Instead, they went after a 70-year-old man, accusing him of murder, questioning his motives and character, without allowing him to defend himself.

They will impeach Barr in the House of Representatives, you can book it.
Second, Insurgencies can last for a long time. It is, by definition, a prolonged political-military struggle. This could easily survive Trump's second term and protect the corrupt elite class.
Lastly, a grievance can evolve where it's no longer based on actions or behavior by the government but on the idea of the administration being in power.

This was never about George Floyd. His death was used as the jump-start to mobile the public into taking desired actions.
In closing, it's crucial never to put any faith into perceived settlements by the Deep State insurgents and the Federal Government.

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