My father in law was a scientist and avid reader. @gardenertate and I would sit around the table and talk about science, and what was happening in world news.

These are *institutions* that give me great comfort. Fast forward to yesterday.
In a discussion--it doesn't matter what it was about--a friend suggested "We each need to find our own sources and form our own opinions."

This struck a chord in us, and we spent the morning wondering and discussing.

Why do I care?
With the institutions of science, and a free press, we have a basis for a conversation. We can talk about policy. About nuance. We can have effective and energized debate about common facts.

Without them? It's just a giant #MontyPython skit.

"I've come for an argument."
Find an institution you love and defend it. Truth matters. It's not a left or right thing.

Our family is giving out copies of "On Tyranny" to those we love from the great @TimothyDSnyder.

Short; practical. A great read. The advice in these tweets comes from those pages.
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