The weird thing with this virus is that it’s not any safer now than it was in March when everything shut down. We could be free of cases right now if we shut down correctly, people stayed home, and the government used the Wall Street bailout money for emergency basic income.
Instead, we’ve got the virus worse than any place in the world. Some of the country still thinks it’s all a hoax. Others view masks as being oppressed. Most of these same people though do not believe police shooting protesters is oppressive. So......
Basically we’re sending a country full of kids to school and most people back to work, basically because people can’t afford to not work, or to pay for daycare. And the government won’t help people financially like they do Wall Street, so we don’t have a choice.
Funny Trump’s Presidency began with the idea of building a giant border wall to keep immigrants out of America. Now Americans are the ones who can’t leave their own country, because none of the safe countries want us bringing the virus back to them after they got rid of it.
Also funny is that Trump believes schools are “indoctrinating” our children with far left rhetoric, but also wants them open in full with no wiggle room because our kids need it. So the kids need to be “indoctrinated” now?
No. He wants schools open so poor people will work.
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