Watching everyone's hot (and heated) takes on the role of digital first in the future of primary care, it's important to realise that provision of remote care will have a place alongside asynchronous care, remote monitoring, face-to-face (in clinic, home, or elsewhere) 1/n
This will take much more than just dropping the tech on doctors, nurses and patients - those who saw success in providing this form of care pre-COVID19 understand the need to consider the needs of all stakeholders. This includes being able to book f2f, phone or even mail! 2/n
It requires changes behind the scenes. Accepting communication from patients using THEIR preferred mode of contact. Understanding that this is not fixed, but changes over time and depending on circumstances. 3/n
It requires skillmix - making sure that the *right* person sees the patient at the right time. That might be a GP, but it may equally be a physio, or nurse, or dietician, or pharmacist, or digital therapist 4/n
It requires a much greater understanding of the data, and more dynamic use of these data to understand and serve the patients, support the staff, and model the provision. We need analysts front and centre, as part of the team 5/n
Most of all, it needs us to listen to the patients - to work side-by-side with them. To empower them to lead their care according to their needs and wishes. We will discover this together, not by fueling division. 6/end
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