ya know, predatory Native men can make me feel grateful that I'm surrounded by the whiteness. isn't that a fuggin kick in the heart?
i grew up without my dad around. and i've only met him a couple times in my life. but, i've heard stories. and those stories have made it extremely challenging to reconnect with my family community. i hope Native men realize they are making it harder for their kids to come home.
also, given how the colonizers track who we ndns breed with so they can subtract our Indian status with every non-status added to the mix, predatory Native men are obstacles in making more Indian babies. it's not an ideal reality, and there are big issues with this position. but.
if we're getting real. then, let's get real. that's all.
it's just, i expect our colonizers to be predatory. ya know? so, when they're preying on me, it's not a big shock. it's just kinda what they do. it's still traumatizing. but, not as big a betrayal.

but, when you Native men are vicious, it's next level deep. that's it.
also, if i saw a bunch of social media posts publicly blasting ol' papa plain for his predatory bs, i would feel very proud of the people coming forward, very proud to be a member of that community, and i would love him as i've always done, but, i always support survivors first.
so, no, uncle Native man, sir. no, even kids have better morals than adult dude predators. if they grow themselves up a good way, then they'll see justice and healing, not shame or embarrassment.
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