Today we wish a very fond farewell to two WPU group legends on the same day - Aimee @aimeekclarke and James @JRossiAshton (both front right-ish). @ChemistryatYork (1/3)
A combined 19 papers (many featuring work from both Aimee and James, and a few more to come hopefully...) tells only a fraction of how important you have been to the group. Thanks for your outstanding contributions to the group's research - you will both be sorely missed (2/3).
@aimeekclarke leaves for a position in process chemistry with Sai Life Sciences @SaiLifeSciences. @JRossiAshton goes on to a postdoc with Prof David MacMillan @MacMillan_Lab in Princeton, via Manchester with Prof David Procter @GroupProcter. Good luck in these new adventures!
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