I think we should be careful claiming that the economic cultural problem is only a US problem and Europe is so different. How many Profs economics with migration background are there in Germany? The discussion about inviting at least one female (without merrits?) to a https://twitter.com/schnellenbachj/status/1288917515322654721
Berufsungsvortrag and still female Profs are underrepresented. The elitism of some Professors threating to block careers @schnellenbachj or disregarding opinions of Associate Professors because they are not Full Professors @BachmannRudi
Looking down on FH Profs @SDullien and not taking their research seriously. I have been on European conferences and seminars and saw crying presenters. I heard German Profs bragging about how (female) Phd student they made cry with their comments.
Of course the US and European culture are not the same, but as European economics eduction and research culture is heavily influcenced by the US it is not surprising that there are similar patter.
Because most if us are not experience the toxic culture, but it does not mean it does not exists. Especially the German hierachical chair system gives immense power to the Professor and many instance will be never reported publicly.
Instead of congratulating ourselves how well we and our close social enviroment is doing, we should keep our eyes open and speak up if we see discrimination and bad behavior, especially if you have tenure.
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