@ravelry #RavelryAccessible I've been breaking this down in my head, and suspending all judgement temporarily, here's what I see has happened:
Cassidy is reported to have MH issues
Cassidy sent out an acrimonious message, in one form or another to several people via email
This has been followed by an apology for Cassidy calling people liars
This apology is for the aftermath of "anxiety and stress" caused by Cassidy's email
It does NOT deny that they have called somebody in to give a medical view on their website
It does NOT address the migraines, vertigo etc etc
It DOES state categorically that the aesthetics view of the majority override the disablity needs of the minority
It puts Cassidy on the naughty step for having her own MH issues and takes away her toys
Cassidy is using someone else's email to send out her own apologies.
I can't forgive this. Setting aside my own issues with the website, they're showing their own complete lack of compassion and empathy for one of their own family.
If they have so little understanding of disability in all its forms, including mental health, I'm no longer surprised at its attitude towards me and others like me.

I'm done. And I will be actively campaigning against Ravelry from now on.
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