This thread is a starting point.

Not just about @YEAHRIGHTPOS & two decades of harm & abuse.

But about the violence of @Doomtree. Not just their treatment of survivors the past 2 months, but a decade of enabling, covering up, and participating in his abuse & harm. (a thread)
A month ago I tweeted that when stories move beyond an individual incident of harm & into an individual’s pattern of harming others that it's the community must recognize & name the pattern.

Tonight I’d add another insight. This time from the essential text "Betrayal".
“a perpetrator who refuses accountability is often enabled by network. Such networks aren’t only comprised of those who explicitly defend a perpetrator, but of all those who ensure the balance of power remains tipped in their favour.”
I begin with the words of @dessadarling's widely circulated video, where she first addressed & confirmed the truth of the stories of survivors, who had come forward about their experience(s) of the grooming, abuse & harm caused by @YEAHRIGHTPOS.
I want to be clear, my intention here is not to critique Dessa as a person. I don't know her personally, have been a fan (indeed, “Dixon’s Song” was an anthem to me back in 2010, photo submitted as embarassing evidence). This is not a personal attack on Dessa as an individual.
As the leading voice of @doomtree, I want to draw attention not only to the narrow ways @dessadarling defines “the harms” of @YEAHRIGHTPOS abuse, or how his healing is prioritized (quite literally) at the expense of survivors but what "accountability" is imagined to mean...
@dessadarling says (2:28): “My men and I are working hard to lead with love. Stef, you are not canceled you"Stef, you are not canceled — you are broken. Your conduct is abhorrent, and I'd love to see a part of helping you, and the many women that you've hurt, heal…”
“You are not allowed, Stef, to ruin the good names of the other members of this crew, who are crying in the house behind in a way to love. You and Me, as complicated and show love for the women are suffering.

You are not allowed to take them down, because Doomtree..."
"...means something, and you operated outside of that contract. And as soon you can as soon as you can align yourself with the values this crew holds, I will welcome you. But you are not allowed to undermine what we have built.”
"And we are going to do our best to practice radical honesty, in a way that this community has not.

We will be devoting resources to you Stef, and to the Domestic Abuse Project, in this city.

So that this is not a conversation that the artists who are 17-years-old now..."
with their first drum machine, are having in 20 years.” 

Like I said, this thread is just a start. One to be built upon by others.

Any process of community accountability must center the safety and healing of survivors. Behind Dessa, is @DOOMTREE
So for the boys, crying in the house behind @dessadarling, "radical honesty", has to start by admitting that Stef could never have caused the “ruin the good names of the other members of the crew”.

If your good names are ruined? @MIKEMICTLAN @SIMSdoomtree @_LAZERBEAK_
You did that. And I don’t know if @YEAHRIGHTPOS abuse is “outside the contract” of the something that Doomtree means.

But if Stef abuse can’t be "allowed to undermine" what Doomtree built?

Then, the crew’s decade of complicity is surely grounds enough to #DismantleDoomtree.
"The beginning of a pattern, for tonight, taken exclusively from the comment section of @dessadarling ’s Instagram video:
I began writing this thread tonight after reading this thread.

Spent the day thinking about the experiences of @robotriver after a message this morning.

Closing with the words of a survivor, I saw tonight for the 1st time in the comments on Dessa's IG
"dated Stef for the better part of 5 years.I tried DMing you to discuss this video because I don’t use Twitter, but I won’t be waiting anymore for a reply. This vague video was a gloss-over and didn’t sit right with me. I know you’re a victim here too so I went back and forth on"
"...saying anything but the direction you took triggered me too much -the “protecting the boys” energy is upsetting. At first I was with you but it took a hard left into protecting Doomtree’s career over victim acknowledgement. Don’t center Doomtree -all those guys knew what was"
"going on. All these artist egos are too in the way for you all to say what happened. Radical honesty is calling it abuse and manipulation enabled by the environment and culture - cause that’s what it was. Luckily I’m comfortable calling out abuse without being a licensed"
"...professional. You and I were kept mostly separate (by design), so I’ll speak on these men you’re defending. I’m the emotional abuse victim they spent time with, invited into my home, partied hard with - and that nobody’s reached out to. These dudes acted fake nice while..."
"...fostering an environment where Stef could get away with anything. That’s not how good people act. Stef is a victim of abuse and trauma too and it doesn’t give him a pass. I’ve endured so much abuse too and I would never let this shit fly in front of me."
"The fact that you guys are just now - decades of experiences later - examining this idea post-callout.... doesn’t feel like transformative change. This feels like career damage control. Him and I have done a lot of closure work through the years but it doesn’t change at all .."
" much pain I felt or how manipulated I was. Wish someone would’ve been proactive and reached out to me but dudes are passively “listening.” I’m sad Mike never reached out since, we’ve spent lots of time together and he witnessed me get hella manipulated. When I cut Stef."
" 5 years ago I let him know at length the extent of his damage. I also told him then that I felt his friends owed me an apology. He reacted confused he couldn’t understand why I’d say that of all things. Now you do. Having to decontextualize a 5 year love story into..."
"...a drop in the bucket lie, its traumatizing. Thinking people are your friends but then finding out you were being made a fool of - fucking sucks. I believe in rehabilitation on an individual basis but what ya’ll need is a cultural dismantlement."
Read every frame of the experience shared by @robotriver - who met @YEAHRIGHTPOS at age 14.

But then read further.

This is also a story about the active abuse & violations of @DOOMTREE’s men; further evidence that there were no ”good names to ruin”.
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