A good way to understand social democracy (left liberalism/Butskellism/welfare capitalism/Keynesianism/reformism – also often disguises itself as ‘democratic socialism’) is through the Fabian Society, which has always been a dominant intellectual influence on the Labour Party.1/6
The name comes from the Roman General Fabius whose strategy against Carthage was simply to wait it out, never directly confront the enemy, let them run low on supplies, then strike when the moment is right. Fabius was known as ‘the Delayer’. 2/6
This is actually too generous to modern socdems who have proven time & again which side their bread is buttered, & have no intention of ‘striking when the time is right’ nor even slowly weakening the enemy by grinding them down. They exist to prop up the bourgeoisie 3/6
They believe that class collaboration is possible & the best way to maintain the status-quo is trying to keep everyone happy. Happy workers = happy owners, happy owners = happy workers. 4/6
But, even if we take them at their word, ignore the historical record & accept that they want a socialist world… their strategy is simply to WAIT. We don’t have time. People being evicted, laid off, malnourished, brutalised, murdered don’t have the luxury of sitting... 5/6
..around waiting for capitalists to grow a conscience. People being bombed & starved can’t wait. The countries under siege being suffocated can’t wait. The world itself being poisoned, overheated & eventually drowned cannot simply wait. 6/6
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