Grant writing advice. Many people get too detailed and assume background knowledge of the reviewer too quickly. Your grant early on needs to answer (in my view) these questions:
1. What is the big overall problem you are going to solve, or solve part of. Why is it important or interesting?
2. If this problem is important or interesting enough to get funded, it is likely that something has changed (technology, opportunity, organisational etc) in the last couple of years which means we (collectively) didn't fund and solve it 5 years ago. What changed?
3. Why is this team on this grant one of the best in the world to solve this?
Should add, the "grants should be for either important or interesting topics" mirrors William Morris' quote "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful". Sadly for grants the subjective side of "interesting" is with the reviewer...
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