The Ch Sanghis are just plain lying, that too in English.

I have been traveling to China, France, Germany, Nordics for last 20 years and in ALL of them find increasing English communication amongst the younger.

That does not mean they stopped using their own local language.
When I traveled to the Europe in the early 2000s, it was indeed difficult knowing only English with the rural population, especially with old people.

Now 20 yrs later, I hardly find anyone who cant use broken English & youth are fluent in it, having learnt it early as kids.
When I first traveled to China in 2006, there too use of only English was hard, even within my customer & company base.

Now all my Chinese customers are pretty good in English - both written & verbal and spread of English usage is even noticable during tourism.
In school, I made the blunder of choosing & topping in Sanskrit due to my background of my grandfather who was a priest in a temple & dad, a scholar. Could not put it to use.

If I had learnt German or French like some classmates did, would have been more useful in my career.
Now, living in Sweden, and likely to for a few years, I am trying to learn Swedish. But it is tougher because, it is not NECESSARY to survive here, but is NICE to learn.

There is debate & concern about this in Sweden too, as Swenglish is taking over. But that is life.
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