Theres a reason why 'Woke' men are trying to erase and dehumanise women. They're porn using wankers - literally - & they want to use & abuse women like they see women used & abused in porn. But they aren't porn actors & they only meet actual women
& girls. Who are funny and chatty and get tired and have periods and work and don't always get out of their pajamas and like animals and cry at sad films and do fitness or are depressed or sad or don't like reading or love it or...are real people.
So if you're a man who has great difficulty with emotions at the best of times, who has been watching women raped in every orifice since you were 14, women who were paid to go oooh yes please when in fact most of them came to hate it by their own admission.
If you're that guy, it's difficult to anally rape a nice young woman who'd previously made you a cup of tea and showed you her latest drawing. It's not like that on the porn films. She's frightened and in pain. It's messy and dirty because she didn't have
and enema prior. Real life smells. She didn't look gratified and adoring when you slapped and choked her. She isn't grateful and doesn't make 'all the right noises'. Its all a bit of a let down. You're disappointed and angry because it doesn't match the
fantasy you've immersed yourself in. Not that you're some weirdo, god no, all the men you know like porn. It's normal. Only, most of the women you know don't know you jack off daily to images of rape and brutality. They see the man bun and the beard and
the careful clothes and they think it's just Ethan from Advertising. So if there was a way to well, oppress those girls, make them less than human say, sort of like slaves, or sex dolls, then fantastic! You could do what you like to them because who'd care
what a bunch of Menstruators, Ovary Havers, Breeders, Bleeders or Handmaidens think? Who cares how they feel or what they want? Their unhuman bodies would be there for your use. You'd feel superior and powerful. No longer just Ethan from Advertising
you'd be Top Dog and they'd be your bitches. So any delusional bullshit that gets you what you need, feeds your addiction is fine by you. Are transwomen women? Oh sure (as long as you don't have to fuck them). Are Transmen men? Who gives a fuck you won't
have to do them. It's fine with you because you can't admit your porn addiction. You can't deal with your emotions. You are terrified of commitment of any sort and you were educated far beyond your mental capacity. So bring it on. Ethan will be very happy.
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