Underneath one of Wiley's Youtube clips he links to an account called 'wileyuk', which is live. Surely it can't be that easy, that he can just set up a new account?

The video itself 'trickery check this' - includes Wiley holding up his phone, with an image of a tweet claiming he denied the Holocaust. I saw Baddiel tweet this yesterday, and a few others. It seems as if it's fake.

This is really bloody stupid if so.
I watched Wiley's rant last week on Twitter. I saw his Facebook posts threatening to come to Golders. I saw his Instagram videos telling Jews to “crawl out from under your little rocks and defend your Jewish privilege”.
He has said so much shit. Don't fall for the fake stuff.
I don't know created that Holocaust denial tweet. I certainly didn't see Wiley send it first-hand, and if he had done, it would have been the headline on every major news outlet.I dare say, it has the hallmarks of the far-right, driving a wedge between communities with fake news
What I'm saying - is check things before you send them or share them.

I read the Voice interview. I saw the Sky News interview. I saw all his social media ranting.

There is enough to flag up - and there's plenty of evidence, ways to substantiate it.
All it will take is one stupid incident like this for Wiley's ridiculous conspiracy theories to be given a shred of substance. When he says there's a cabal of Jewish people running the world - and this turns up - every crank will turn round and think...hmm
The problem is of course - Wiley is now like water. He will find the path of least resistance.

Suspended from Twitter? Went to Facebook. Suspended from Facebook? Went to Insta. Suspended from Insta? Went to *Sky News* and the the Voice. Now on YouTube. Where next? @tiktok_uk?
This is becoming a game of cat and mouse. He will move from one platform to the next to spout his hatred, with Jewish groups trying to get him shut down while he spews more antisemitism. Eventually it will, I have no doubt, manifest itself through his music.........
In other news, David Duke has been banned by Twitter... https://twitter.com/DrDavidDuke 

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