Apologies if you’re here for medical/paediatric chat or pictures of bread; this mini-thread is about rugby, and in particular @ExeterChiefs and their continued use of Native American imagery. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/53587404
As a background, the name “Chiefs” has been associated with Exeter Rugby Club for nearly a century; they officially became @ExeterChiefs in 1999.

However, the use of Native American imagery in their logo, the use of the “tomahawk chop” and war-bonnets amongst supporters...
Now, this isn’t going to be a comfortable conversation for @ExeterChiefs and their supporters. It’s uncomfortable to know that something you see as “just a bit of fun” is offensive to those that you’re dressing up as, and I’ve seen all sorts of defensive statements this week.
Unfortunately, the only argument that stands up is “I like doing it, please don’t make me stop”.

And if that’s your best argument, maybe you’ve lost.
“There are no Native Americans in Exeter, so who’s offended?”

“We actually do it in a very respectful manner.”


“PC culture gone mad!”
My particular favourite is “well, what about Sale Sharks, isn’t that offensive to sharks?! CHECKMATE, SNOWFLAKE!”

Seriously, if you can’t see the difference between using an animal and an ethnic group of humans as mascots, you’re probably beyond help.
The thing is, @ExeterChiefs could keep the name. The Dumnonii tribe lived in Devon from the Iron Age to the Saxon period.

Proper, native Exeter chiefs. Perfect for some match-day fancy dress.
Or take the example of the @ChiefsRugby in Waikato; real work has gone into their relationship with the Maori, whose imagery and history they draw upon.
The @ExeterChiefs have said this week that the conversation is over; “Big Chief” is retired but the logo, the war-cry, the bonnets, the totem poles are here to stay. They know that people are offended, but they don’t care. This is no longer ignorance, but actively wilful.
The conversation, of course, is not over. @ExeterChiefs are on the wrong side of history, and change will come eventually. I just hope they see the light soon.

And I hope no sharks were offended during this thread.
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