I truly don’t think ppl understand what anarchists want. I like how rw dummies say things that come out of Tucker Carlson or Trump’s mouths, but don’t actually listen to what we are actually saying. I think it’s easier for them to be told, than to have that conversation.
I also think that if many who love the state and are all American, whatever that means, would also listen, rather than decide that this be better off left to law enforcement and the constitution, or whatever man-made writ says, they’d understand we aren’t crazy or violent.
The main goal is to abolish a system created for us. That has historically marginalized PoC. Native and Black folks being the most harshest recipients of the oppression and injustice. That Latinos also have been historically marginalized and oppressed as well.
Maybe nowhere near as much as Native and Black folks...or even Asians. But it still was horrible. That these institutions of oppression haven’t actually gone anywhere, they still exist, they’ve just been rearranged where they look different on paper, but are actually the same...
Methods of oppression and slavery, that the civil rights act didn’t go nearly far enough and didn’t eliminate racism, as its plain to see even in 2020. That the poor (of every color) is forced into a system of wage slavery that never elevates them out of survival mode.
That one of the ppl running for President, was responsible for destroying so many lives, due to police and prisons, that the damage is incalculable, because not only do/did they have to suffer thru prison, once they’re back into the civilian world, they can’t get housing...
Jobs, or even have a say in your process of elections. That no one cares about the poor. And those voting for Biden or Trump are in the same category. Because neither will do anything to help the poor. The US govt has historically been a fascist country. Yeah, even your hero FDR.
Even JFK, if they didn’t support slavery, they supported Jim Crow, or persecution of communists, socialists and the dismantling of unions, or dictators which both parties had a hand in supporting or installing, wars, environmental destruction, the war on drugs (Nixon)
Removal of freedom thru the Patriot Act and the NDAA, the NSA spying. The dehumanization of human beings began with Natives and still continue with every PoC including Muslims. That your laws don’t apply equally, and protect those with power...
and punish the poor disproportionately. That kill and maim ppl with policy and a senescent system of capitalism, that creates not only poverty, but extreme poverty. Where ppl are homeless in the country of plenty. Sleeping in conditions that kill them, who are looked at...
By class, and judged not on their humanity and treated with dignity and helped. No, this country gives forgivable loans to powerful corporations, and allows 97 y/o grandmothers to be thrown out in the street, because they can’t afford to pay to live in a home they lived...
With their partner for years, and raised children, and that home is instantly taken away by the banks. The same banks the poor are charged with bailing out, can’t bail out the collectively poor? Getting back to FDR, he didn’t allow Jews to find refuge in this country...
From the nazis. He was too inept to come up with the new deal, he had to be forced into it by labor unions and the communist party

The rich have historically oppressed the workers and the poor, and you don’t see this as motive for anger? You think we only hate law enforcement? No, we do. But we also understand that they are part of a bigger system of oppression.
A system that—thru coercion and violence—forces ppl to accept unjust laws, that create class and racism, and you see so many have bought into the lie of the great America..”this is not America...” yes it the fuck is.
But the upper middle class on up, don’t understand what they’ve never had to experience. Likewise, many whites, both poor and rich dismiss the cries for justice because they too, cannot relate to the experiences of oppression and systemic, institutional, even casual racism.
Your solutions come from the idea that govt will make this a just place. Capitalism is inherently exploitive and therefore, needs to create “othering” to justify human rights abuses. This has always happened throughout history. Borders and walls and papers...this isn’t “freedom.”
So, anyway...that’s it. You’d be surprised at the intelligence of anarchists...we aren’t just mad to be mad, and we aren’t just “kids.” Some are vets, some are garbage men, but all hate fascism...we are all anti fascist.
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