New Q 4620

Q is describing how the Democrats worked with the Chinese communist party to infiltrate American leader ship at the political corporate and entertainment levels

Some involved in this for blackmail and some have similar beliefs to the communist Chinese (think Hussein)
1. The first target was general Flynn. He knows where the bodies are buried due to his position as DIA director during Hussein administration.

The goal was to have him removed to prevent him coordinating the declass of Hussein’s chain of command activities involving treason.
Flynn was removed and McMaster was installed. McMaster was controlled by the deep state.

Dan coats was installed as DNI director and he worked with the house and senate to prevent declass

Rogue numbers three through six were installed upon the recommendation of general Flynn
This was a controlled install of rogue members. At this point the US military was in control and they had to make the deep state think President Trump was unaware that these rogue members were part of the deep state. General Flynn is represented by the three stars.
POTUS was aware Michael Bolton was controlled by the deep state but he was installed again to keep the deep state thinking POTUS had no clue.

Bolton McMaster and coats removed intel patriots such as Ezra Cohen Watnick.
Bolton’s job was to prevent disclosure and the classification of documents showing that Hussein spied on President Trump and Senator Ted Cruz during the Republican primary as well as members of the House and Senate. Bolton was also charged with preventing the declass of info
Related to Hussain’s administration spying on journalist and ambassadors as well as other illegal activities described as classified events 1 through 99.

Mueller was then installed. At this time Comey was terminated as FBI Director

Mueller was tasked with drawing out
Russia investigation until POTUS was impeached or assassinated by the deep state.

Miller was charged with keeping POTUS distracted and ineffective due to the investigation.

Almost immediately after the impeachment scam sale COVID-19 was introduced. You may recall
Q posting that the day the articles of impeachment were delivered to the Senate was the day the first Covid patient entered the United States from China

WHO plus CDC plus rogue until agents informed POTUS that there was nothing to fear and he should not closed off travel from
China. POTUS of course shut down travel from China to prevent more infected from spreading the disease even worse.

Stage two of the Covid plan included telling POTUS that Covid was worse than thought and to expect doomsday. Introduce Dr. Fauci and CDC saying millions will die
The goal was to raise Trump employment games and economic gains in time for the November election.

stage three of the Covid plan included deep state controlled governors ensuring Covid spread through nursing homes and killed more people. Goal was to increase panic throughout the
United States in to Shut down the economy.

Stage four of the Covid plan was to increase the numbers of those infected by pushing testing in the millions and by ensuring false positives. MSDNC would push propaganda to panic our nation

Stage five of the Covid push was to suppress
Any counter narrative that pushed for natural remedies or remedies such as HCQ plus zinc plus azithromycin. During this time the Democrats activated black lives matters and rioting as well as ANTIFA

this of course took place right as Covid numbers begin going down in the
Economy was preparing to re-open. The goal was to make America appear panicked and divided into further suppress job numbers and economic gains before the election.

Q lists the supposed democrat political gain from COVID-19 and the activation of BLM and ANTIFA

Shelter Biden
From debates with POTUS. Prevent economic gain before election. Distract from Biden’s problems with Ukraine and Hunter Biden. Distract from Biden’s mental issues. Delay Republican convention in delay DNC convention so that the Democrats can install another candidate to run
For president due to Biden’s major problems. Additionally Covid was used to shut down churches and other civic events were patriots would gather to find strength to unify and to energize each other before the election. Additionally the shut down would be used by Democrats
To push mail in ballots and avoid the NSA electronica safeguards in place for in person voting. The safeguards were installed after midterms and after the Alabama Senate election. The only way Democrats can initiate their fraudulent ballot drive is through mail in ballots.
The shut down was also used to increase the national debt to give China more leverage against the US and to test the publics limits of acceptance of socialism tight controls being put in place to limit our freedom.And to put limitations in place regarding free speech and
Testing Americans responses to censorship of patriot views.

cue emphasizes China is the enemy Not Russia. The Democrat party is the enemy. MSDNC is doing everything they can to program the public to except the Covid shut down and mask wearing as a new way of life and to
Get the public to except mail in ballots.

Everything we have seen and are seeing and are going to see tomorrow and in the coming days Is as a result of the Democrats coordination with China and other foreign enemies to take back power and give it to the deep state.
Hussein is operating a shadow private presidency and the Democrats and some Republicans are operating a shadow government. They did not anticipate POTUS brilliance and they did not anticipate that the US military has been preparing for this very scenario for several years.
This is information warfare. Patriots we are on the front line of the information warfare. Q is telling us to stand united. We will prevail. They have no idea what kind of October surprise President Trump has waiting for them.
You can follow @Sun_Q_Tzu.
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