With a lot of chatter about kneeling and anthems and such, I’ve heard a lot of “none of this accomplished anything, protest on your own time.”

I thought it might be cool to make a thread with just a few reasons why that statement couldn’t be more wrong.
The amount of attention, focus, and pressure brought by “protesting in the wrong place (sports specifically) has turned into real dollars and action.

I just think many don’t take the time to actually SEE the tangible gains, so here’s some shortcuts:
A straight line to some legislation passed:
And slowly but surely, attitudes have changed on the anthem protests.

When Kaepernick first started, only 28% in this country thought it was “appropriate”.

Now for the 1st time, over half do: https://sports.yahoo.com/poll-majority-of-americans-now-support-nfl-players-right-to-protest-151212603.html
Lastly, let me be crystal clear:

- it’s not over

- I’m not arguing the effectiveness of each individual charity

- a lonnnnnnnng way to go

I’m not here to argue at all actually.

Just to say, specifically to the “nothing is accomplished crowd”.....you’re wrong.

It works
And yes, I’m sure little things here can be picked apart.

You could chip away saying some of those monies would’ve been donated anyway, or that it’s CYA from corporate America.

Nothing’s perfect. I’m saying, YES there have been gains made as a direct result.
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