“Why are we still talking about a virus that’s only killed 150,000 people when we should be talking about sex traffickers and pedophiles in power” ok sure yeah let’s talk about it. What’s that conversation sound like. You start it. What do you even mean. What’s your goal
I’m just tired man. Human trafficking is already illegal. What are you protesting to change in that regard. There’s no existing power structures to protest against, more what we can do revolves around prevention. I took the courses, I’ve donated to orgs, but like cmon.
I also get really angry when it seems like it’s a lot about someone being a cult of personality who gets to film “badass mission impossible videos” to post on Instagram, when the focus on anti trafficking efforts needs to not be so public. It’s covert, not a flex.
It’s a black & white issue to take a stance on that also escapes intense/personal analysis. Save the children is an important rallying call, but save the children also needs to include immigrants. Those in poverty. Kids in our neighborhood who arent lost but go to bed cold&hungry
I’m still learning more on intersectionality every day and bro I’m trying to read all the time so yeah I don’t have the perfect take on something like this but I feel like I’m going crazier every day and I’m trying to stop my brain leaking out my ears
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