#WalkAway: "My name is Naomi, I am Native American and a new member. I #WalkAway from the Democratic Party. I voted twice for Obama thinking he had Native Americans and tribes in his “best” interest, even after he basically did nothing at end of presidency for Dakota access 1/x
pipeline. I was blind and thought Trump was the bad guy when he took office 2016. I jumped on band wagons with other Native Americans listening to liberals and leftist spewing out lies about Trump being “racist”. I never bothered to do research or try to be open minded.
My boyfriend is a Native American conservative & Trump supporter so I decided to actually open my mind to learning what Trump really stood for & the accomplishments he made so far in office. It blew my mind to realize how closed minded and misinformed I was up to that point.
In the past couple of months I have been more open about my political views being republican, conservative and a Trump supporter. Since doing this majority of my Native American family, relatives and “friends” are giving me major backlash about being a Trump supporter. I been 4/x
called every name like Apple, fake Native, wannabe white person, sell-out, and that I suffer from Stockholm syndrome. I lost a lot of friendships over this. Which is ok.
After all of the issues faced in 2020 and seeing how the main stream media lies to fit certain narratives. 5/x
I will never go back to voting Democrat or liberal again.
I am proud to be a conservative, voting republican and a Trump supporter.
#Trump2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸"
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