I just heard that pharmacies are getting paid $42 for each asymptomatic Covid swab they do.

When I see a patient with an upper respiratory infection in the ER during daytime hours, who gets a history, physical exam, diagnostics, treatment, and Covid swab?

Tell me again who’s overpaid?
Keep in mind, the pharmacist doing the work doesn’t see a penny of that. No, that money goes straight into company revenue.

Privatized medicine folks.
Another fun fact. Pharmacies are still being paid $100 for doing Comprehensive Annual Care Plans. These were taken away from family doctors back on March 30.
A pharmacy is paid $13 by the government to give you a flu shot. Your family doctor? $9.88 using billing code 13.59A. And we don’t get to set up a big walk in booth at Rogers Place during Oilers games and have it announced over the PA system.
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