Who benefits the most from locking people down?


Where do conspiracy theories and fake news come from?

$FB, $FB, $FB, $FB, $FB,

98% of businesses had their operating hours reduced

Social media & e-commerce had their hours expanded

I have had intelligent people explain to me:

- Bill Gates is behind Covid & profits from it

- 5G makes your head explode and causes Covid
(Suboptimal for $AAPL upgrade cycle)

Their source...

Facebook, YouTube

60% of Americans get their news from Fakebook
Kevin Kelly’s excellent 1,000 True fans also applies to social media

Any idea can gather 1000’s/millions of fans, from anti-vax to Flat Earth Society

Social media is driving the growth of “belief cults”

Cults are immune to facts

Social media is the bedrock of division

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