Today the Guillén family traveled to the nation’s Capitol to demand accountability & justice from DoD, Congress & the President for slain Army Spc. #VanessaGuillén.

Gloria “Mama” Guillén’s powerful words pierced gutting truths too many of us already know...

“The Governor didn’t listen to me at all.

I asked, yelling, for them to close that base...

The base General didn’t pay attention to me.

The Colonels didn’t listen either.

They made fun of me, I know that they made fun of me.

But look at where I am at now.”

I am here for only one cause & that is my daughter. That I get justice & they give me the actual ones responsible for my daughter’s death.

There’s damning corruption that exists in Fort Hood. It’s a corruption so terrifying, so wicked.

That it’s not a base, it’s a cemetery.”
“I swore outside that base, “you better pray to God that my daughter is alive bc if my daughter, God forbid... if she is found dead, THIS base will close” I said!


IT WILL CLOSE! You know for what?
It closes for a better future...”
Because there we will build hospitals, schools, and housing for veterans that even… in youth… living under bridges... who go to war and fight for a homeland.

And that’s what we will do!”

During her remarks in Spanish, Gloria Guillén shared once again that soldiers currently stationed at #FortHood have reached out to her, sharing the unconcionable present horrors of one of the top 3 largest Army bases in the country:

“I will tell you all, so that you can see the evil that exists in Fort Hood.

They don’t hold back, whatever it is, they KILL!


That is why that base will be CLOSED!”

“That man, Secretary of Army, needs to watch his mouth!

I saw him doing a press conference, saying they "were going to investigate the *supposed* sexual harassment of my daughter”

I don’t know if she was raped, but worse--SHE WAS MURDERED!”
“That man better watch his words... because he what he DIDN’T say was “let’s go investigate the DEATH of Vanessa, who is at fault?”

WHY? Because he knows?!
Because he too knows!

He must face the consequences if he knows!
“That is why I come to the president that has to listen to me
because God almighty has made it so. He will listen to me, he WILL LISTEN TO ME...

The first thing I will tell him is to give me those responsible for the death of my daughter and CLOSE THAT DAMNED, INFERNAL BASE!”
“That’s why I ask Congress that they actually investigate because the entire nation is with me.

ALL the mothers are with me!

NO MORE! No more of our children to enlist!

...Then the US will have to see what it does [without us].” #NoJusticeNoEnlistments 
“I ask the entire nation to go out & make big protests so it’s seen that, we Mexicans, are UNITED.

We are no longer a minority, WE ARE THE MAJORITY!

No more racism in the United States, enough racism!

No more sexual harassment!”
There aren’t enough words to express the deep pain, rage & torture we feel with Gloria, Lupe, Mayra & the entire Guillén family and their grieving community.

We also know the hurt across our community due to decades of justice denied. We will not rest until there’s real change.
Yesterday's HASC hearing revealed many issues with the Army's self-investigation.

Most concerning among them, the Secretary of the Army's review of Fort Hood's #SexualHarassment and Assault Prevention program did NOT survey the 3rd Cavalry Regiment— #VanessaGuillén's unit.
We thank Rep @JackieSpeier for announcing a Congressional delegation to Ft Hood & urge a date be scheduled by 8/1.

Vanessa Guillén, her family, survivors deserve justice. We‘re long past overdue accountability from DoD & Congress. #NotOneMore

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