The house in Aldbourne, England, where some of the Sergeants of Easy Company were billeted on their return from Normandy, summer/fall 1944. It gained the nickname "The Sergeant's House".
It was in this house that some of these sergeants got up to some shenanigans....
Bill Guarnere & Gordy Carson had brought some girls back to the house after a night out in London. The next day they got word that Lt Peacock was on his way to do a random inspection of the house. Buck Compton warned the guys that Peacock had got wind of girls being there
So Bill quickly hid the 2 girls up in the attic. Lt Peacock came and did his inspection of the house, found nothing untoward, and was just leaving when there was a sudden crash from above and a lady's leg came down through the ceiling. The game was up!
Bill said both girls were his & as punishment got KP duty peeling potatoes from Peacock, and was busted to Private & had to drill an imaginary platoon in a field by himself from Winters.
Bill kept leadership of 2nd platoon mortar squad & soon got back his sergeants' stripes
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